Because my abstract water image photographs are based on water waves, I believe each photograph is more unique and natural than any painting art. More precise and delicate than a painting too because it is a photograph. I hope readers can enjoy this new, amazing contemporary art from this book.
▌在抽象和寫實之間擺盪,別具風格的 29 張水影美術照片
1. 山嶺(Mountains)
2. 大船(Big Ship)
3. 綠色波浪(Green Wave)
4. 多彩多姿(Perfect Wave)
5. 夏日早晨(Sunday Morning)
6. 湖上美景(Beautiful Lake)
7. 寧靜天空(Quiet Sky)
8. 藍色的山(Blue Mountain)
9. 熱鬧天空(Busy Sky)
10. 大地(Great Land)
11. 吸煙的人(Man With a Cigar)
12. 平靜河流(Quiet River)
13. 綠色天地(Green Land)
14. 鯊魚(Shark)
15. 快樂世界(Happy World)
16. 田園交響曲(Pastoral Symphony)
17. 紅河(Red River)
18. 夜間怪物(Night Creature)
19. 美妙天空(Wonderful Sky)
20. 美麗池塘(Beautiful Pond)
21. 壯麗航行(Beautiful Voyage)
22. 白雲怪物(Wild Cloud)
23. 美好日子(Great Day)
24. 寶物圖畫(Treasure Picture)
25. 平靜的山(Quiet Mountain)
26. 微笑的白雲(Smiling Cloud)
27. 山脈晨景(Mountain Morning)
28. 夜河(Night River)
29. 浮葉(Floatiny Leaf)
建國中學,台大農業化學糸畢業, 美國威斯康辛大學食品科學碩士,在台灣曾任台大公共衛生研究所助教3年,在美國曾任雀巢(Nestle) 公司食品加工技師32年,取得24項食品專利。
在美國曾為台北3家報紙與4家雜誌寫美國棒球,也曾為美國中文〈世界日報〉與台灣〈聯合新聞網〉寫棒球,一共寫了40多年,出版8本棒球書,其中一本《美國棒球》是第一本介紹美國職棒的中文書,現為美國棒球名人堂(Baseball Hall of Fame)收存,也在美國〈紐約時報〉發表一篇英文棒球文章,在台灣也出版了一本遊記書《隨著山脈呼吸》。
在台灣曾得了1次「台北攝影沙龍」影展特獎,(「老樹與小童」照片)在美國得了5次影展第一獎,其中最珍貴的是康州一所有名美術館 (New Britain Museum of American Art)的藝術家年會時得到的最佳攝影獎(「迷宮」照片)。
在美國一共舉行了26次個人攝影展,在台灣「聯合線上」電子書出版了1本《美的畫面》攝影集,「獵海人」出版社出版7集《水中畫影》攝影集,與一本與人共寫的英文書《Poetry and Pictures》。
John Hsu
John Hsu is a naturalized U.S. citizen from Taiwan. He had worked 32 years for The Nestle Co. as a food technologist and obtained 24 patents. He holds a B.S. degree in Agricultural Chemistry from National Taiwan University and a M.S. Degree in Food Science from the University of Wisconsin.
John has published 8 photography books and co-author 1 English book of poetry and pictures in Taiwan; 7 are of water image photos. He had 26 solo exhibitions in Connecticut. His work “Labyrinth – Goodspeed Opera House” won the Best Photography Award in 2011 New Britain Museum of American Juried Members' Exhibition. That picture is a water image of that famous opera house.
John has realized the ideal photo-art picture is water image. To differentiate from most other water image photos, his photos are composed entirely of water image, in absence of real object. This provides a vast water image of sky as outstanding background for desired composition like having a blank canvas, and creation of painting-like photos. Because water wave is like unique stroke of painter's brush and the water image photo can looks like abstract painting.
John also feel the creation of digital photography now make it possible to take good water image photos because it allows photographer to take un-limited number of photos to select good water image pictures and open the new world for photographer to see the new images that they can't find on the ground.