Bodhi Light Tales:Volume 1
Biography of Venerable Master Hsing Yun 星雲大師簡介
Editor’s Introduction 編者序
How to Use This Book 如何使用本書
01. A Respectful Heart Is the Buddha's Heart 五指爭大
02. Compassion Is Like a Bridge 慈悲如橋
03. Jealousy, Thy Name Is Weakness 師父的腿
04. The Four Envelopes 四個錦囊
05. The Wooden Bowl 木碗的故事
06. Life-Saving 救媳婦
07. One-Legged Duck 鴨子一條腿
08. The Royal Beggar 乞女變皇后
09. A Bowl of Noodles 一碗麵
10. The Happy Mom Washing Machine 媽媽樂
11. A Loving Son 兒子最好
12. A Night Out 沙彌夜遊
13. A Boy's Offering 小兒施土
14. Offering the Light 貧女一燈
15. The Painters 畫師作畫
16. Praying for Wealth 求富
17. The Queen's Ring 皇后的戒指
18. Heaven and Hell 天堂地獄的筷子
19. A Generous Donation 銀貨兩訖
20. Offering a Bun 羅漢與包子